Effective Experiment Part 3

My favorite non-fiction writers are Stephen Covey and Malcolm Gladwell. Covey wrote the best-selling work The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Covey list seven behaviors that set apart mundane and extraordinary people. Since the novel's inception, many renditions of the work are now available for different life stages, including The 7 Habits for Happy Kids and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens. Gladwell distinguishes himself from other authors correlates historical events to current events. Besides being on the New York Times Best Selling list five times, he also hosts the Revisionist History podcast. Revisionist History allows its listener to be transported across time and space to get a global perspective of societal issues.
Inspired by both men, I decided to conduct a Gladwell-esqe experiment asking people at different life stages the ultimate Covey question, " What makes a person effective?" To do this experiment to the best of my ability, I went on my LinkedIn, where I scoured my connections to determine who would be the best fit for this project. I realized that the answer to this question changes as one grows and evolves. So, I decided to divide people into life stages and ask them for their answers.
Stage 3: Early Career
Top Left: Joshua Bolona, Top Center: Alexa Goldstein Top Right: Daniel Robles
Bottom Left: Carly Steiner
Dolly Parton encapsulates this stage of life when she says, "In the same boat as a lot of friends, waitin' for the day you're ship'll come in and the tide's gonna turn an" it's al gonna roll your way." The metaphorically training wheels of college are off when you realize that your time and energy is responsible for your livelihood; this stage feels exhilarating as you try to navigate uncharted areas in search of personal and professional development.
Joshua Bolona: (24, Consulting Analyst, Atlanta, GA.) To be effective, a person needs to have a high level of awareness of all factors that could impact the activity at hand. Understanding your own capabilities comes into play when you are setting milestones - allowing for an achievable yet challenging path. That mix of understanding the situation and your own abilities, allows you to be as efficient, and ultimately as effective as possible. Joshua's LinkedIn is: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshua-bolona/
Alexa Goldstein:(23, Resource Development Coordinator, Beersheba ,Israel) The motivation to be proactive. Alexa's LinkedIn is: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexa-goldstein-she-her-011145130/
Carly Steiner: (24, Business-to-Business Consultant, New York, NY):An effective person is a good listener, learns from others around, and does not think there are the smartest people in the room. To be effective is to spread new knowledge. If you picked up knowledge that can benefit someone else, you could help other people. It's resourcefulness. If you have an issue, use your resource before you ask for help. It is the ability to help yourself in any situation. Carly's LinkedIn is: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carly-steiner-618b29105/
Daniel Robles: (23, Analyst, Washington D.C) Two things make a person effective: curiosity and passion. I always have the saying that I love to remind myself is, "stay curious and embrace it." I think we're in your early 20s or even late teens; it's kind of hard to navigate where you want to go and what you want to do. And I think just staying curious is the most important thing, making you follow your passion. It's not going to be a linear process to get where you want to go. And there's probably going to be a bunch of detours. But as long as you're maintaining that passion, it's going to be a lot easier. Daniel's LinkedIn is: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielroblesduprey/