Go Nuts For The Salty Donut

(Image courtesy of The Salty Donut's website)
The Salty Donut is a South Florida institution. Locals and tourists alike flock to this donut heaven to taste some of Miami's favorite delicacies. I had the opportunity to chat with Kae Roffman, The Salty Donut's Marketing Manager, to learn more about these tasty treats.

(Images courtesy of The Salty Donut's Website)
1. What makes The Salty Donut different from other bakeries?
Here at The Salty, we put the same amount of focus and effort into our donuts as we do with our customer service and hospitality. Everything we do, from conceptualizing donut flavors, to greeting customer at our shops is all done with intention. We live by our motto, "Donuts. Coffee. Good Vibes." and aim to have our shops feel like you're just visiting a friends house. Fostering relationships with every member of the community that we're in is important to us, and what better way to do that than with donuts!

(Image Courtesy of The Salty Donut's website)
2. How does The Salty Donut incorporate its mission and vision into its product offerings?
We're heavily focused on Community here at The Salty. It's something that is discussed internally among our teams as well as externally to our guests. We incorporate tastes influenced by our communities into our product offerings (such as Guava + Cheese or Toasted Coquito), and during special times of the year we like to use our products as a way to raise awareness for communities that need attention and support. In the past we have created donut flavors for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Movember, PRIDE, Hurricane Relief efforts (to name a few), and have donated a portion of our proceeds to both National & Local Organizations to help support each cause. Whenever we accept partnerships or collaborations, it's also important to us that those brands/people align with our values and what we stand for. Everything is done with intention, it's what makes us #MoreThanADonutShop.

(Image courtesy of The Salty Donut's Instagram. Instagram post is from May 16, 2021)
3. How did The Salty Donut evolve due to the COVID-19 pandemic?
When COVID-19 hit it was a scary time for everybody. We were nervous about what the future of the restaurant and hospitality industry would look like, but we went into the pandemic putting our best foot forward. In March of 2020 we launched our 'Good Vibes Pack' for a limited time at all shops, extending our menu to include baked items from our staff. The items were picked from our Salty Sunday's (a monthly market we hosted 'pre-pandemic' at our South Miami shop where we featured local vendors in the community and showcased baked goods items from members of our team), that were put together in a pack. The 'Good Vibes Pack' included a Brioche Loaf, Cheddar + Herb Biscuit, Chocolate Chip + Salt Cookie, Salted Honey Butter, and Strawberry Jam. They were a hit, and really helped us during a time that was unpredictable. We were very fortunate not to lay off any of our employees due to the pandemic, and instead, were one of the few businesses who opened not just one but TWO new shops last year (Dallas in June 2020 and Orlando in December 2020). We're very, very thankful for our guest's support during this time. While things are slowing making their way back towards normalcy, for the time being we are actively maintaining elevated health & safety measures while visiting any of our shops.

(Image courtesy of The Salty Donut's Instagram. Instagram post is from May 29, 2021)
4. What are some of the quintessential The Salty Donut flavors?
Quintessential Salty Flavors! My favorite topic! Our menu is made up of 6 year-round flavors and 6-7 seasonal flavors that rotate seasonally every few months on the menu. Hands down, I would have to say that our year-round White Chocolate Tres Leches, Guava + Cheese, Maple + Bacon, Brown Butter + Salt and Hazelnut + Chocolate are all huge staples to the brand. We brought the majority of these flavors to our Orlando and Dallas shops, changing one or two slightly to complement the area we were in. For example, you can find our Toasted Coquito (Orlando) and Horchata (Dallas) which are both flavor spin-offs of our White Chocolate Tres Leches. They look exactly the same, but have different tastes. Our Maple + Bacon is slightly different at each shop as well. We partner with local butchers in each area for our Bacon and local breweries for our reduction for the topping. When visiting any shop, I highly recommend grabbing a couple year round flavors, in addition to any seasonal we have on the menu at that time.

(Image courtesy of The Salty Donut's Instagram. Instagram post is from May 26, 2021)
5. What is the future of the company?
TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!! Only joking, kind of. We're aiming high, and one day, we would love it if our followers had access to The Salty from all over. We've got some big plans in the works, so you'll definitely have to stay tuned to see where we're headed next!
(Gif Courtesy of Wix.com)