Hidden Gems-Spill The Tea With Me: Afternoon Tea at The Fearrington Inn

(Image courtesy of Netflix)
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, is not the first place you think of when I think of an afternoon tea haven. The town is known for being the home of the University of North Carolina (UNC). UNC is famous for its colonial architecture, basketball team, and research labs. However, if you wander fifteen minutes away from campus, you are transported into the English countryside (aka Fearrington Village). In Fearrington Village, go to the Fearrington Inn to experience the most relaxing afternoon tea.
What is afternoon tea? Here is a video from The Great Big Story.
The Fearrington Inn sits adjacent to the Barn event hall and small mom-and-pop stores that run along the boulevard.

(the view from outside courtesy of https://www.fearrington.com/the-fearrington-house-inn/ )
When you enter the dining room, you are asked for your tea preference. When I made the reservation, I told them that I am vegetarian.

(a sample of the tea food at the Fearrington Inn. Image courtesy of https://www.fearrington.com/afternoon-tea/ )
The staff taught me how to eat the food. You begin at the bottom with the finger sandwiches and work your way to the dessert.

(This is a picture I took of my tart)